Sunday, 6 November 2011

Crazy Fish Half Buckle Wrap Conversion

It has finally happened; a mama from TBW found my website or Facebook page and took a risk on an unknown conversion seamstress.  Thank you Mama!!!

This mama sent me her lovely size 6 Didymos Pesca Pazzi wrap for conversion to a structured waist half buckle mei tai.

This carrier is currently swimming back home and I hope its owner loves it in its new form.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Cherry Blossoms, Three ways.

Didymos Cherry Blossoms is one of my very favorite wraps to wrap with.....and to dye!  Of course its lovely in its natural pink and green colors but I love to play with color combinations every time I get a chance with silk/cotton blend wraps.

I have 3 beautiful daughters and thought it would be a lovely idea to collect 3 size 7 Cherry Blossoms wraps and uniquely dye each one so that one day I can pass these lovley wraps down to my daughters when they in turn become mothers.

Here is my collection of legacy Cherry Blossom wraps.  Now the only problem I have is deciding which one will suit each daughter best!

Friday, 4 November 2011

From Drab to Fab.....Jade Nino Makeover

Jade Nino is an awesome wrap.  It is thin, moldable and has excellent toddler worthy support.  Too bad in its natural state its color is just so drab! 

This is a wonderful wrap to have in your stash, especially if you are carrying heavy toddlers so I decided to make this wrap more appealing by adding some color!  Using both acid dye for the silk and procion dye for the raime and cotton fibres I gave my nino two blue baths.  The result, this gorgeous ultramarine color!!

Forest Grad on Salvia

Jim Salvia is a lovely double sided linen wrap but I decided the sedate green needed a little punch so I added a darker green gradation on top.  I'm so pleased with the ultra smooth result.

Double sided linen wraps are awesomely comfortable and I hope that this pretty green make over makes some wrap loving mama very happy when it finds a new home.