Monday, 27 August 2012

The 1000 Likes Ice Dyed Wrap Giveaway

Thank you so much friends.  It is amazing to me how quickly this page has grown!  I very much appreciate your support.  To thank you, I am offering you the opportunity to enter to win a 100% linen Metamorphosis wrap with a custom ice dye job.

Ice dying is an exciting process where after the wrap is prepared to accept the dye it is covered with ice and sprinkled with powdered dyes.  As the ice melts it carrys the dye down into the fabric creating lovely patterns and mixtures of colors as shown in the pictures below.


If you would like the opportunity to be entered to win a the custom ice dyed wrap please leave a comment below and a winner will be selected using on Friday evening.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Faux Wrappers Paradise

Sometimes things don't turn out quite how you were expecting, but spectacular nonetheless.

I just recieved a nice big roll of 100% Czech linen and I wanted to know how nicely it took up dye.

The first side I dyed was a beautiful mix of aquamarine and emerald green which resulted in a soft tropical ocean-y green.

The next side I thought would look pretty as a nice deep red wine color.  When I came time to mix the dye I realized I didn't have enough dye to get a nice strong color but went ahead and started anyway.  About half way down the 2nd side I knew I'd need something different to punch up this color so I transitioned to a nice medium purple color. 

It wasn't until I was rinsing the wrap that I realized I'd seen this color combo looked exactly like a Girasol Wrappers Paradise.  What luck!!  I hadn't started out trying to recreate this colorway but had in fact stumbled upon it.  Sometimes I get the best results when I don't have any particular result in mind when I start out!

Here it is, my Faux Wrappers Paradise.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

The Laguna Beach Ring Sling

I think this is my absolute favorite dye job yet!  I'm certain my experience is really starting to pay off.  First, I finally mixed the PERFECT teal color.  I've been trying to mix a color just like this for ages.  Secondly, I got the perfect amount of mixing where the colors meet.  I get so excited when the colors actually blend and don't get muddy.  :)  All that squishing and dying my fingers definitely made a difference in the quality of the saturation.

This gorgeous dye job also happens to be on an awesomely comfortable hand woven UppyMama wrap.  The mama who buys this creation is going to get herself a beautiful and amazingly comfortable sling!